FAQ: EcoQube Air - The World's First Desktop Greenhouse
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

What kind of plants can I grow in it?

Tests with compatible plants is ongoing. We can confirm most small, leafy herbs like basil, mint, wheatgrass and green onions. We hope to expand this with improved designs, however, to include larger, flowering plants as well.

Last updated: April 05, 2016 14:27

Can you grow medical Cannabis in the EcoQube Air?

ADI Ventures is a California based company and as such we will not be testing the viability of this particular plant. We are, however, excited to see what experiments our Colorado and Washington based backers will run with the EcoQube Air.

Last updated: April 05, 2016 14:27

Will the EcoQube Air need sunlight to grow the plants?

The full-spectrum LED light is programmed to give your plants the exact amount of light it needs to grow.

Last updated: April 04, 2016 09:32

Why is the Fogger only included in the UV model?

We currently have the UV and fogger built-in to the EcoQube Air together for manufacturing purposes. We will look in to adding the fogger to the Air without the UV, but we do not have this option available at this time.

Last updated: April 04, 2016 10:25

When will I receive it?

We are planning to send out the EcoQube Air by February of 2017. There is still a lot of design, production, and distribution work to be done, but we estimate that this is the most realistic date. We will, of course, update everyone with any new information we have and let you know if you’ll receive your EcoQube Air later or earlier than expected.

Last updated: April 05, 2016 14:27

What is the size of the EcoQube Air?

The most recent model is approximately 7” x 7” x 16” (18cm x 18cm x 40cm). These numbers, however, may change slightly based on the continuing work of our engineers and manufacturers. We will update all backers of such changes as the information comes.

Last updated: April 05, 2016 14:27

What is Hydroponics?

Hydroponics is a method of agriculture that grows plants without the use of soil. Most often, hydroponically grown plants are planted in a medium that roots will anchor onto and grow throughout. Water infused with fertilizer is introduced to the system where it is absorbed by the plant medium and subsequently the roots. Using this technique, plants can be grown with a fraction of the amount of resources (water, energy, space) required to grow plants the traditional way, in soil.

Last updated: April 05, 2016 14:27

What can I do with the phone app for the EcoQube Air?

We’re working hard on the phone app, trying to add as much functionality as possible. So far, we know that you’ll be able to control the LEDs of the EcoQube Air, changing the intensity of the grow lights and the color of the RGB (color) LEDs. You’ll also be able to program the light schedule of the EcoQube Air in order to sync up with your circadian rhythm.

Last updated: April 05, 2016 14:27

Do I need to water the plants in the EcoQube Air?

You will need to add water to the EcoQube Air, but only once a month. All of the water in the system is in a closed cycle, so the water will be lost at a very slow rate. The EcoQube Air comes installed with a Drain Spout for easy water changes. Simply pour new, fresh water into the water basin and increasing water pressure will push older water lower in the basin out through the spout.

Last updated: April 05, 2016 14:27

Do plants or seeds come with the EcoQube Air?

Yes, for domestic backers. The EcoQube Air will come with basil or mint seeds to get you started.

Last updated: April 05, 2016 14:27

Will the EcoQube Air need sunlight to grow the plants?

The full-spectrum LED light is programmed to give your plants the exact amount of light it needs to grow fastest. Extra sunlight won’t hurt, but is unnecessary.

Last updated: April 05, 2016 14:27

Does the EcoQube Air consume a lot of Energy?

No, the EcoQube Air is very energy conservative. The only power used is in the energy efficient LEDs, air intake fans, and the small water pump. In the UV / Fogger model, a small amount of extra power will be used for those two functions.

Last updated: April 05, 2016 14:27

Can any type of soil be used to grow plants in the EcoQube Air?

No, the EcoQube Air works hydroponically, meaning plants will grow soilessly, in a plant medium with water pumped through it.

Last updated: April 05, 2016 14:27

How often will I have to change the water in the EcoQube Air?

You’ll only need to change the water in the Air about once a month.The EcoQube Air comes installed with a Drain Spout for easy water changes. Simply pour new, fresh water into the water basin and increasing water pressure will push older water lower in the basin out through the spout.

Last updated: April 05, 2016 14:27

Will I need to fertilize the plants in the EcoQube Air?

Yes, the plants in the EcoQube Air grow hydroponically, meaning fertilizer must be added to the system for best results. Fertilizer should be added to the water in the Water Basin. Fertilizer compatible with the EcoQube air will be available for purchase from the ADI store.

Last updated: April 05, 2016 14:27

How often do you suggest changing the Air filter?

We suggest changing the air filter every 6-8 months. However, the filter condition is dependent on the type of environment that the EcoQube Air is in.

Last updated: April 05, 2016 14:27

Is the UV sterilizer necessary?

The UV sterilizer is not necessary for the function of the EcoQube Air, rather it adds another stage of filtration for the air passing through the system. Ultra Violet radiation from the unit will render inert any biological particles (bacteria, airborne viruses, mold spores) that makes it through the first two stages of filtration.

Last updated: April 05, 2016 14:27

What is the fogger on the EcoQube Air, do I need it?

The fogger is a device that, when submerged in water, uses ultrasonic vibrations to create a mist that will slowly rise into the greenhouse tank. The fogger can help to humidify the air for the plant and your room. It also looks really cool.

Last updated: April 05, 2016 14:27

Do you put fish in the EcoQube Air?

No. Unlike the aquapoinc EcoQube C, the EcoQube Air does not need or have any space for fish or any other aquatic animals.

Last updated: April 05, 2016 14:27

What kind of plants can I grow in it?

Tests with compatible plants is ongoing. We can confirm most small, leafy herbs like basil, mint, wheatgrass and green onions. We hope to expand this with improved designs, however, to include larger, flowering plants as well. Last updated: Tue, Apr 5 2016 5:27 pm EDT

Can you grow medical Cannabis in the EcoQube Air?

ADI Ventures is a California based company and as such we will not be testing the viability of this particular plant. We are, however, excited to see what experiments our Colorado and Washington based backers will run with the EcoQube Air. Last updated: Tue, Apr 5 2016 5:27 pm EDT

Will the EcoQube Air need sunlight to grow the plants?

The full-spectrum LED light is programmed to give your plants the exact amount of light it needs to grow. Last updated: Mon, Apr 4 2016 12:32 pm EDT

Why is the Fogger only included in the UV model?

We currently have the UV and fogger built-in to the EcoQube Air together for manufacturing purposes. We will look in to adding the fogger to the Air without the UV, but we do not have this option available at this time. Last updated: Mon, Apr 4 2016 1:25 pm EDT

When will I receive it?

We are planning to send out the EcoQube Air by February of 2017. There is still a lot of design, production, and distribution work to be done, but we estimate that this is the most realistic date. We will, of course, update everyone with any new information we have and let you know if you’ll receive your EcoQube Air later or earlier than expected. Last updated: Tue, Apr 5 2016 5:27 pm EDT

What is the size of the EcoQube Air?

The most recent model is approximately 7” x 7” x 16” (18cm x 18cm x 40cm). These numbers, however, may change slightly based on the continuing work of our engineers and manufacturers. We will update all backers of such changes as the information comes. Last updated: Tue, Apr 5 2016 5:27 pm EDT

What is Hydroponics?

Hydroponics is a method of agriculture that grows plants without the use of soil. Most often, hydroponically grown plants are planted in a medium that roots will anchor onto and grow throughout. Water infused with fertilizer is introduced to the system where it is absorbed by the plant medium and subsequently the roots. Using this technique, plants can be grown with a fraction of the amount of resources (water, energy, space) required to grow plants the traditional way, in soil. Last updated: Tue, Apr 5 2016 5:27 pm EDT

What can I do with the phone app for the EcoQube Air?

We’re working hard on the phone app, trying to add as much functionality as possible. So far, we know that you’ll be able to control the LEDs of the EcoQube Air, changing the intensity of the grow lights and the color of the RGB (color) LEDs. You’ll also be able to program the light schedule of the EcoQube Air in order to sync up with your circadian rhythm. Last updated: Tue, Apr 5 2016 5:27 pm EDT

Do I need to water the plants in the EcoQube Air?

You will need to add water to the EcoQube Air, but only once a month. All of the water in the system is in a closed cycle, so the water will be lost at a very slow rate. The EcoQube Air comes installed with a Drain Spout for easy water changes. Simply pour new, fresh water into the water basin and increasing water pressure will push older water lower in the basin out through the spout. Last updated: Tue, Apr 5 2016 5:27 pm EDT

Do plants or seeds come with the EcoQube Air?

Yes, for domestic backers. The EcoQube Air will come with basil or mint seeds to get you started. Last updated: Tue, Apr 5 2016 5:27 pm EDT

Will the EcoQube Air need sunlight to grow the plants?

The full-spectrum LED light is programmed to give your plants the exact amount of light it needs to grow fastest. Extra sunlight won’t hurt, but is unnecessary. Last updated: Tue, Apr 5 2016 5:27 pm EDT

Does the EcoQube Air consume a lot of Energy?

No, the EcoQube Air is very energy conservative. The only power used is in the energy efficient LEDs, air intake fans, and the small water pump. In the UV / Fogger model, a small amount of extra power will be used for those two functions. Last updated: Tue, Apr 5 2016 5:27 pm EDT

Can any type of soil be used to grow plants in the EcoQube Air?

No, the EcoQube Air works hydroponically, meaning plants will grow soilessly, in a plant medium with water pumped through it. Last updated: Tue, Apr 5 2016 5:27 pm EDT

How often will I have to change the water in the EcoQube Air?

You’ll only need to change the water in the Air about once a month.The EcoQube Air comes installed with a Drain Spout for easy water changes. Simply pour new, fresh water into the water basin and increasing water pressure will push older water lower in the basin out through the spout. Last updated: Tue, Apr 5 2016 5:27 pm EDT

Will I need to fertilize the plants in the EcoQube Air?

Yes, the plants in the EcoQube Air grow hydroponically, meaning fertilizer must be added to the system for best results. Fertilizer should be added to the water in the Water Basin. Fertilizer compatible with the EcoQube air will be available for purchase from the ADI store. Last updated: Tue, Apr 5 2016 5:27 pm EDT

How often do you suggest changing the Air filter?

We suggest changing the air filter every 6-8 months. However, the filter condition is dependent on the type of environment that the EcoQube Air is in. Last updated: Tue, Apr 5 2016 5:27 pm EDT

Is the UV sterilizer necessary?

The UV sterilizer is not necessary for the function of the EcoQube Air, rather it adds another stage of filtration for the air passing through the system. Ultra Violet radiation from the unit will render inert any biological particles (bacteria, airborne viruses, mold spores) that makes it through the first two stages of filtration. Last updated: Tue, Apr 5 2016 5:27 pm EDT

What is the fogger on the EcoQube Air, do I need it?

The fogger is a device that, when submerged in water, uses ultrasonic vibrations to create a mist that will slowly rise into the greenhouse tank. The fogger can help to humidify the air for the plant and your room. It also looks really cool. Last updated: Tue, Apr 5 2016 5:27 pm EDT

Do you put fish in the EcoQube Air?

No. Unlike the aquapoinc EcoQube C, the EcoQube Air does not need or have any space for fish or any other aquatic animals. Last updated: Tue, Apr 5 2016 5:27 pm EDT

Shipping Updates
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Current Estimated Shipping Date: January 2017

Because of final modifications to integrate a fogger addon and high volume of imports during the holiday season that have thrown off shipments previously, January-February will be when shipping + fulfillment occurs.

Last Updated At: 07/11/16 | See Kickstarter Update
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That is handled directly by the project creator. BackerKit functions independently of the project itself, so we do not have control of their physical shipping timeline. If you want to check on the project’s status, we recommend reading over the project's updates page.

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As BackerKit does not actually handle any rewards or shipping, the best way to stay updated on the shipping timeline would be to check out the project's updates page.

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