
EcoQube Air - The World's First Desktop Greenhouse

Created by EcoQube Air- by ADI

Improve your quality of life, add healthy air, be more productive, and grow plants easily.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Support email updates, add-ons and something special!
about 8 years ago – Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 12:35:49 AM

Hey Backers!

We'll be changing our support email to [email protected]! So if you have any questions, feel free to shoot them over to our support team via that address.

Backerkit surveys and add-ons

The Backerkit surveys are out and many of you have already filled them out. If you haven’t make sure you get that done soon!

When filling out your surveys, you’ll get the opportunity to include some (or all!) of our awesome addons. We’ve recently got a lot of questions about the add-ons and we wanted to address some of your questions here. You’re EcoQube Air will come with everything you need to grow plants and filter your air but we think these add-ons can really add to the experience.

Here’s one of our favourite add-ons that's we're also the most excited about!


I won’t try to hide it, ever since we discovered them, we here at ADI have gone cuckoo for Kokedama. We’ve added a number of these beautiful little pieces of living art all over our office and they make it look great. Kokedama is Japanese technique of growing a plant from a ball of soil that’s wrapped up in moss. The result is a little ball exploding with awesome ferns, herbs or flowers (Check out our blog post about Kokedama!).

We’ve partnered with an experienced Kokedama artist to create the perfect Kokedama piece to live inside of the EcoQube Air and the results are beautiful. You can even pick up some extra Kokedama plants to enjoy outside of your EcoQube Air.

 Pssst! Have you heard? We have our very own newsletter!

All Qube’d Up is the official ADI newsletter and it’s live! Keep up to date with our community of conservationists and smart interior decorators with our biweekly email of cool stuff and ADI updates. Here’s a quick look at our recent Pokémon issue!

It’s totally free to sign up and there may even be a few exclusive deals and discounts for our subscribers (wink wink). So join Team ADI today!

about 8 years ago – Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 11:29:39 PM

Hey Backers!  

In case you haven’t noticed yet, we’ve sent out surveys through Backerkit! These surveys will ask you for your shipping address and you’ll be able to check out the add-ons we have to offer. PLEASE COMPLETE THEM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE SO WE CAN BEGIN SHIPPING EARLIER! THE DEADLINE TO COMPLETE YOUR SURVEY AND RECEIVE YOUR ECOQUBE AIR ON TIME IS SEPTEMBER 1, 2016. 

There are a few things we’d like to address below:

1. I didn’t get my survey in my Kickstarter email!  

Go to this link and enter the email you used to order through Kickstarter:

2. Fogger + Humidifier Add-on

By popular request, we’ve made the fogger + humidifier a standalone add-on! This fogger+humidifier unit will be easily inserted into any EcoQube Air, and also comes with three replacement disks to last you thousands of hours!

3. Why is shipping so expensive? Didn’t I already get charged $9 for shipping when I pledged?

The $9 shipping charge was a base shipping cost that we charged before we had exact prices of shipping costs. The $9 you already paid will be deducted from the difference of the actual shipping cost - for example, if you’re located in the US and you’re charged $18 for shipping, you will be paying the difference of $18-9 = $9 in Backerkit. We tried to make all backers aware of this in the description of all pledge tiers:

The package with the EcoQube Air by itself is relatively large and comes in around ~10 pounds. We’ve done our best to compare quotes from different fulfillment centers, and we went with the ones that could offer us the lowest shipping rates. In addition, we will be subsidizing some of the cost (broken down below):

Shipping to AU + NZ will cost us ~$85, and we're charging $68.  

hipping to Europe costs ~$50 and we're charging $38.  

We estimated shipping to be $20-$30 in the US but we're only charging $18 because we were luckily able to lower cost based on volume in the US.

We are very sorry if the shipping costs exceeded your expectations, and please contact our customer service team at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to request a refund. We’ve worked very hard to come up with add-ons that would improve your experience with the EcoQube Air, and we hope you like what we have to offer!

Best Wishes,  

Team ADI

Check out a project we love!

Bryt Socks 2.0 | 25 Designs With 8 Proven Features.

It’s time to upgrade your socks. Bryt has created the ultimate colorful socks in 25 designs including 8 proven features. Their mantra is ‘British and Bold’ which certainly fits the most outrageous gift boxes they come in. They’re available at more than 50% off retail exclusively on Kickstarter. CLICK HERE before their early bird rewards go.

Bryt are giving international backers an EXTRA PAIR FREE.
Bryt are giving international backers an EXTRA PAIR FREE.


EcoQube Air Add-ons!
about 8 years ago – Tue, Jul 05, 2016 at 12:17:30 AM

Hey Backers!

Backerkit surveys are coming soon and with the surveys, additional items to compliment your EcoQube Air. Here’s the first look at add-ons we’re thinking about offering. We think these will help you get the most out of your experience. Note that this is not finalized, and minor changes may be made before the Backerkit surveys are released later this week.

Gardening Scissors

Great for expertly manicuring plants or harvesting veggies from your EcoQube Air.
Great for expertly manicuring plants or harvesting veggies from your EcoQube Air.

Water Beaker  

Not the flashiest add-on, but no less important. About every 2 - 4 weeks, you’ll need to replenish the water supply of the EcoQube Air and this 1 liter plastic pitcher holds the exact amount of water needed to fill the basin.

Polishing Cloth

This large sized microfiber cloth is perfect for wiping down the clear acrylic walls of the EcoQube Air without damaging or scratching them. Whether it’s humidity and plant debris on the inside or dirt and smudges on the outside, this one will be useful to keep handy. Plus, it looks pretty snazzy with the EcoQube logo on it.

Extra Air Filters

Every EcoQube Air will come with a dual stage, HEPA-Type filter pre-installed, plus 2 extras ones. But we highly recommend picking up an extra pack. Every filter is rated of 6-months of use, but accumulation of dust and particles will cause them also lose efficiency the longer they run, that's just the nature of air filters. For maximum air filtration, we recommend swapping out filters every 2 - 3 months.

Extra Plant Mediums

Every EcoQube Air will come with a full set of plant mediums already in the grow tray, and these mediums will last for the lifetime of any plant growing in it. These extra mediums will allow you to switch out plants in your air whenever you like, simply remove the previous plant and it’s medium, replacing it with the new one. We recommend this add-on for those looking for some variety in their plant life.


We’ve partnered with RAW Fertilizer to develop nutrient mixture specifically designed to bring out the full potential of plants in the EcoQube Air. Add just one scoop from our measuring spoon (provided at no extra charge) once every 2 weeks and watch as your plants flourish.

And introducing an exciting NEW add-on for the EcoQube Air, Kokedama!

We’ve just partnered with a talented, local San Diego artist to bring the Japanese art of Kokedama to the EcoQube Air. With this add-on, you’ll be able to grow and nurture your very own Kokedama plant within the tank, filtering your air and adding life to your living space.

Kokedama (literally translated to “moss ball” in English) is the Japanese practice of growing plants without any kind of pot or artificial container. Typically, Akadama substrate (similar to that used in Bonsai gardening) is molded into a ball, covered in moss, and tied together with string or wire. The result is a zen and all-natural piece of living decor (Learn more about Kokedama gardening from our newest blog post, KOKEDAMA.)

When we met with this local Kokedama artist, we were very impressed with how beautiful and easy to maintain the plant pieces were. With our new partner we will be able to adapt two types of plants to be used inside the EcoQube Air.

We’re all excited about these add-ons, but we want to know what you think as well! Let us know which add-on you think looks cool or what else you might want to see offered in the comments below.


Team ADI

EcoQube Air Quality
about 8 years ago – Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 11:23:18 PM

Hello Backers!  

If you’ve kept up with our previous updates (Environmentally Friendly Aluminum, Hydroponically Grown Plants, and EcoQube Air LUX) you’ll remember that some of my teammates and I visited Shenzhen, China recently to work with our manufacturing partners in order to perfect the EcoQube Air and get it ready for production.

Just like the C, quality is our highest priority for the EcoQube Air. The feedback we got on the quality of the EcoQube C was incredible, so we worked with the same company to produce the EcoQube Air; that way we know that we're getting the absolute highest quality product possible. We really believe in our project, so when we decided to make it a reality, we agreed to make it right or not at all.

Team ADI and the manufactures look at the EcoQube C while discussing the EcoQube Air
Team ADI and the manufactures look at the EcoQube C while discussing the EcoQube Air

With most products as complex as ours, the many various pieces come from many different factories all over China and the rest of the world. However, in order to have full control over as many aspects of the EcoQube Air as possible, we're trying to minimize our outsourcing and create and assemble the vast majority of the EcoQube right from our Shenzhen factory.

Acrylic cutting machine that the factory uses specifically for ADI
Acrylic cutting machine that the factory uses specifically for ADI

It's vital that the base of the Air be water tight, so we decided that intricate pieces like electrical contact pin housing and wire holders must be injection molded. In this process, cavities are carved out of two pieces of steel and plastic is shot in. The plastic conforms to the shape of the cavities and hardens, creating the piece. The two pieces of steel that make up the 'mold' are carved individually by a C&C machine with incredibly skilled engineers highly involved throughout the process.

The C&C machines that will carve the molds for pieces used in the EcoQube Air
The C&C machines that will carve the molds for pieces used in the EcoQube Air

We also spent a lot of time looking for the best quality acrylic to use in the EcoQube Air. This device has to be sturdy, water tight, and beautiful looking, so going cheap was not an option.

Look at the difference in these acrylics. Guess which one we're using?
Look at the difference in these acrylics. Guess which one we're using?

Similarly, we spared no expense in the the Broad Spectrum LED Array for the EcoQube Air. 8 RGB, 12 1800K, 10 3000K, 12 5000K, 10 6500K, 10 8000K, 10 10,000K, and 350 nm makes for 93 individual LEDs. We want to ensure that virtually any plant will be able to grow and flourish within the Air.

Prototype LED array for the EcoQube Air
Prototype LED array for the EcoQube Air

Being there and seeing the pieces of our project come together as we get ready for mass production was incredibly exciting. We can’t wait to bring you more news from China about the EcoQube Air so keep in touch to hear all the exciting details.  

- Kevin Land, Team ADI

Here’s a project we love!  

FLI Charge : Fast and Powerful Wireless Charging  

Simple, convenient and safe wireless charging for smartphones, tablets and all your mobile devices. CLICK HERE  

Our friends at FLI Charge have already blown past their goal of $100K in just one day! While other wireless charging technologies require that you place your device in a particular way, FLI Charge enables you to charge all your devices on the same pad at the same time regardless of where it’s placed on the pad.  

Finally, wireless charging done right. Just take any device, put it down on the pad, and charge up. It’s super fast and convenient. Take a look HERE.

over 8 years ago – Sun, Jun 05, 2016 at 03:43:01 PM

Hello our beloved EcoQube community!!!

This community is only made possible because of YOU and ALL OF YOU made it happen for the THIRD TIME! You have gone through the journey with us to see the development and invention of new EcoQube-series products and we assure you with each time you support us, we make it our priority to give you our very best. Our promise is to make it better with every campaign.

In our relentless pursuit to always give our supporters the best, our team has put together ALL our experiences from our previous endeavors of the EcoQube and EcoQube C HERE:

A thorough breakdown of how the EcoQube C is Manufactured

Through our learning journey, we have realized that unprecedented situations could arise, which might delay manufacturing as we seek to source the components of the best quality to remedy those situations.  We assure you that with our experience in manufacturing, contingencies are already in place to ensure whatever situation that pops up.  We guarantee you will receive the highest quality EcoQube Air we can possibly create!

As you’ve all seen in the last updates:

We’ve spent WEEKS literally working day AND NIGHT at our factory to create a more elegant, easier to use EcoQube Air. As you’ve seen in the extensive blog post above on the intricate manufacturing process of the EcoQube C, making a great product is extremely complex. The EcoQube Air is MUCH MORE complex than the EcoQube C you see in the blog post. When deciding on the fulfillment date of the VIP EcoQube Air, we left in a cushion for production time and shipping. After our extensive visit, combined with software + firmware development / testing, all EcoQubes with November shipping dates will have to be pushed back to January 2017 to allow sufficient time for quality control +testing. Other shipments should not be affected but we’ve been working extra hard to confirm this BEFORE the end of this campaign. There were many variables like prototype testing, software development partners, engineering/firmware partners that came into play. BEFORE we receive the funds from Kickstarter (Before June 20th) we will accept refund requests due to this last minute change. However, after this date, we will not be able to offer refunds as funds will be immediately allocated to manufacturers so we could deliver all the EcoQubes as soon as possible! We stand behind our product 100%. 

We are announcing this now because we stand behind the products we create 100% and we want to create the very best possible version of the EcoQube Air for all of our community. 

Check out this awesome video one of our EARLY EcoQube C backers posted on youtube! We’re excited to replicate the same experience for you with the EcoQube Air =)

Thank you for joining us on our journey in producing the EcoQube Air!

If your friends wanted to get an EcoQube Air but missed your chance with this campaign, don't worry!  We're launching an an Indiegogo indemand campaign HERE and your friends can snag one there. Indemand is a platform that allows us to continue to take pre-orders until manufacturing is complete so that our manufacturing partners could maximize volume and product the best quality EcoQube possible.

HUGE thank you to you all that’ve pledged your trust and faith in us since Day 1 of this campaign. Your feedback, knowledge and guidance as we post different updates provides valuable input into making the EcoQube Air even more AWESOME.

We will keep the community updated about the progress on the EcoQube Air as we did throughout this campaign and with the EcoQube C.

Right now, you could be involved! Help us to help you get your EcoQube Air to you faster! We will be sending out a BackerKit survey soon for you to confirm the details! We greatly appreciate you for taking the time to do it, and again: thank you for helping us make this possible.  We couldn't have done it without you :)

Many thanks,

Team ADI