
EcoQube Air - The World's First Desktop Greenhouse

Created by EcoQube Air- by ADI

Improve your quality of life, add healthy air, be more productive, and grow plants easily.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

What's the difference between the EcoQube C & C+?
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 03:13:23 PM

Hey EcoQube Fans!

Soo, we’ve introduced the brand new EcoQube C+ to you.  

 But you might still be wondering, what’s the difference between the EcoQube C and the EcoQube C+?    


You asked us if we could make the EcoQube C bigger, so guess what...  

We did! The EcoQube C+ utilizes a larger, elongated fish tank with more room for creative designs (like recreating the Disneyland theme park in your tank?), and space for small schools of fish.  

You asked us if there was a way to incorporate more plants in your EcoQube C, so guess what... 

 We listened! The EcoQube C+ will have 3-5x the space to grow your dream aquarium garden! 

 You asked us if you could grow other plants besides basil, mint, and green onions, so guess what.... 

 We thought, heck yes! The EcoQube C+ will give you the option of growing your very own nutrient rich micro-veggies like broccoli sprouts. 

 You didn’t ask us about making a removable filter basket, but guess what… 

 We wanted to make maintenance easier for you by allowing you to easily remove the filter basket and pump that is underneath (which works to clean the water with carbon and circulate it). 

 You also didn’t ask us if we could free up room in the tank, but guess what…

 Since there are more plants filtering the water utilizing hydroponics (growing plants without soil), there is less filter space needed! PERKS UPON PERKS! 

 We think we’ve had a lightbulb moment with the EcoQube C+ and oooh, you’re going to want in on it! 

 Great ideas are meant to be shared, and we’d like YOU, a lover of living decor and supporter of sustainable design to be the first select group to reap the benefits of this great idea. There's only 28 days to get your very own EcoQube C+ at a discounted cost.




Team ADI 

Introducing: The EcoQube C+
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 04:34:29 AM

Hey EcoQube Fans!

Ok, there’s something that’s been on our minds lately. We’re constantly churning out new ideas for products here at ADI and always looking to improve! You might’ve heard from our last post that we heard your feedback for the EcoQube C and took it to heart.  

We’ve been asked countless times…  

And many of you have told us...  

“We want a bigger version of the Ecoqube C !!! :)”



We are so, so stoked to introduce the EcoQube C+, a bigger and better version of the EcoQube C. Now, you can not only have a petite sized aquarium on your desk, but you can add the big brother to your collection. 

 The EcoQube C+ is… 

 Nothing short of a glorious hybrid

 We’ve taken the best of all worlds of our latest trending products all exclusively launched on Kickstarter: the EcoQube C, EcoQube Air, and EcoQube Frame.

It incorporates parts of these previous products that have worked well and been further experimented with. We’ve taken the filter from the EcoQube C, used the same water flow mechanism and pump tube for the filter from the EcoQube Air, and added seed pads and lighting modeled after the EcoQube Frame. We’ve strategically altered these parts to fit the C+ functions and ultimately, create a stunning product we are proud to present. 

 This is quite unheard of! It’s like saying you like the fries from In-n-out, the burgers from Five Guys, and the baked apple pie from McDonald's. You like bits and pieces of one place, and it would be a dream of yours if all these bits and pieces joined forces. 


 And though we don’t have power over the fast-food giants of our world, we CAN take the best of what we’ve created and spin it into a beautiful blend of what you’ve told us you’re in love with.

 This is where tasteful aesthetics meets functional design.


 You’ve asked for the EcoQube C+ and we’re bringing it to you.

We know you’ve been waiting for this day. Are you ready for all this greatness?? 

We sure are. ;)

Click HERE to see the EcoQube C+




Team ADI 

Please update Backerkit address if you have not done so!
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 03:48:07 PM

Hey EcoQube Backers!

We are thankful for each one of you and have been having a lot of fun seeing the creative ways you have been putting your Air to use. In our office, we've been growing bamboo, parsley, rosemary, sage, oregano, and thyme. Our next project is start growing some aloe vera!!! 

The opportunities are endless..

For domestic, all the Airs should have been shipped and delivered already, but please e-mail us at [email protected] if for some reason you did not reveive it.

We know that there are some of our international backers who have not received the Airs because of the unexpected shipping challenges. We are currently waiting to receive your updated addresses to send your Air to you. If you have not updated your Backerkit survey or sent us an e-mail at [email protected] with your current address, please do so! We want to make sure you get your Air at the correct address. Once you send us the correct address you should receive your package in 14-21 business days. Thank you again for your understanding and loyal support.

We wish you all a happy fal and happy growing!



Team ADI 

Your Feedback ----> Reality
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 04:21:43 PM

Hey EcoQube Fans! 

As we mentioned in our last update, aquaponics is something that has inspired us. The concept of a self-sustaining system led us to create the EcoQube C which you’ve seen; the classic ‘qube’-shaped window to nature that fits compactly on your desktop. When we launched it exclusively on Kickstarter in 2015, people were hooked. We had worked hard to create a simple yet durable product that reflected our values of sustainability and innovation.  

 The EcoQube C was created for the city dweller, the stay at home parent, and the 9-5 worker in need of a refreshing piece of decor to light up their living and work spaces.    

  Research shows that being surrounded by elements of nature will enhance overall wellbeing and productivity. The EcoQube C reflects this principle which is why at our very own ADI headquarters in San Diego, we have one at each work desk, so that everyone can enjoy looking at a happy ecosystem.  

Throughout the two years since we launched the EcoQube C, we’ve invited and received amazing feedback. There’s been a lot of love and some creative suggestions as well!  

We’ve been trying to keep it a secret for awhile...but it’s time we let you in on what YOU helped us create, once again.  

  We’ve taken your feedback and designed a new prototype for a product that we’ll need your help in turning into a REALITY.  

Thanks to you and everyone that makes up the supportive Kickstarter community, we’re able to make a change.  

You won’t believe how much of a rapid fire whirlwind of months it’s been, as we analyzed all the feedback from the EcoQube C, blended it with our creativity and expertise, to bring you the best of both worlds.  

You asked for it, and we’re bringing it to you!  

So…..after all this talk, you must be dying to know what the product is.  

  And yeah, we know, who likes to be kept in suspense?  

But when we’re ready, we’ll share with you all the juicy deets that you’ll need to know, so that you can be a part of making this new EcoQube come alive!!!  

So set that notification on your calendar and be ready in a week when we announce what your feedback has turned into a reality. 

  In the meantime, can any of you guess what we’ll be announcing?? Send your guesses over to me at [email protected]  

Happy guessing,  


Team ADI

How could aquaponics turn your life around?
almost 7 years ago – Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 06:00:54 PM

Hey EcoQube Air Lovers!

As users and owners of the EcoQube Air, we know that you're highly interested in hydroponics. But have you heard about aquaponics?

  If you have any remote interest in nature then you’ll want to know a cool thing or two about aquaponics and fish. Aquaponics sounds like such a fancy word, but when you break down the word, the meaning becomes quite simple. “Aqua” relates to water and “ponics” relates to work or labor. When you combine the two terms, aquaponics essentially refers to a growing technique that combines elements of aquaculture (raising aquatic animals such as snails, fish, crayfish or prawns) and hydroponics (growing plants in water and without soil) together in one integrated, mutually beneficial system.

So what’s that to you?  

Well, you may not know, but aquaponics could be a part of a very real solution to tackle society’s environmental problems. Aquaponics grows food 30 to 50 percent faster, using far less space and 90 percent less water.  

It is a sustainable way of filtering water in large bodies of water, and even little ecosystems like the EcoQube C, the desktop ecosystem the Kickstarter community helped bring to life, which creates happy fish and healthy plants.  

We made the EcoQube C to showcase firsthand the practical solution and beauty of aquaponics. We want to start a movement to use the same concept of sustainable agriculture to feed the world! We know that we can’t solve the world’s problems with an aquarium, no matter how beautiful it is, but we hope to connect people to our environment and influence the way they perceive the larger issues in our world today.

As active lovers of plants and supporters of building a sustainable world, we know that aquaponics would mean something to you because change starts on a small scale.

That change could start with you.  

We know as we learn about concepts like aquaponics we become better equipped to know how to incorporate these principles into our daily living!



Team ADI